Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

visitors, a new job, and life in general

I've come to the realization that I really need to start updating this thing more. I didn't realize that people actually follow it and are pretty stoked on the life I'm living, it definitely makes me a happy dude and I thank everyone who appreciates all of this. It's great to lead a life that people admire and take interest in.
Anyways...Christmas came and went. Myself, Jordan, Sean, and Joe all went out for a chinese dinner on christmas eve (Christmas Story style) and spent the holiday boozing and missing our traditional family parties back east. It undoubtedly felt pretty weird being away from home for Christmas, but it also solidifies that sense of individuality that I've been forming ever since I came out here. It wasn't such a big deal either because my family came out the day after Christmas and spent 5 days here in Summit County. A pretty nice condo right on the mountain in Breck, to be specific. It was really awesome to see them and I think I showed them a really good time.
January also marks the start to people visiting. Kollar and Tarallo are out here right now. Both are passed out/scattered across the apartment as I type this, actually. It's sick to have them out here. We also just got at least 5 inches of snow overnight, so we will definitely be heading out in a couple of hours to catch first chair at Keystone for some serious tree skiing. Should be fun.
Oh, and I am no longer working at Breckenridge as a lifty. The job was boring, a hassle in terms of commuting, and just not my type of work environment. It was a great experience, but I set myself up with a better situation. I'm currently working at the Spoon Cafe; a bar that is right at the bottom of Keystone and a 30 second walk from the chairlift. It's pretty ideal and I am definitely stoked on landing this job. The people are cool, I eat for free, and it is 5 minutes down the road. Booyah!
Hopefully the snow starts falling pretty hard from here on out and the search for steep lines and deep snow begins. Avalanche danger is considerably high though in our range, so I definitely have to be careful. These rails and jumps in the park are getting old and definitely do not do the body any good. So many bruises from eating shit, it's ridiculous.
Just wanted to drop in and update a bit. Gotta start getting my gear together and start heading to the mountain to get some fresh tracks. Weather is calling for blue skies and sun. That, on top of the snow we got last night, should make it yet another gorgeous Colorado day. Loving life, staying healthy, and working hard. I'll start dropping more posts/videos/pictures on this from now on. Later!

P.s.- I learned how to do backflips on my skis. BOOYAH! And there's a good possibility that I will be dropping by back East for a couple days in the beginning of Feb, so get in touch!