I've been getting the "what are you planning on doing" question a lot lately. The question that one must face at some point in their life, but strives toward postponing it for as long as possible. Many people see my directional path as avoiding "reality." The truth is, I am avoiding a lifestyle that would completely drain me of my livelihood, my adventurist spirit, and my will to go out and experience life while living on the edge, pursuing my passion, and taking risks which define me as a person. Not many people have the balls to do what we do, and I am proud of that fact. I wouldn't have my life any other way. I may be poor, often cold, and living paycheck to paycheck...but I am learning that life does not solely consist of materialistic objects, wealth, and expectations. Nothing beats being outside in the fresh air, looking at the mountains, and being with your best friends in some of the best places in the world. Seemingly repetitive, but I feel as if I cannot put this philosophy of mine into words.
UPDATE ON LIFE... Dew Tour is coming up! Breck is going to be a constant party for a period of 4 days and the comps are going to be absolutely ridiculous. Soooo stoked. Soon after the Dew Tour is Christmas Break, which is a nightmare for lift operators. Snobby people, gigantic crowds, and a shit ton of stress. Yikes! I'll be spending Christmas out here in Colorado and then the fam will be visiting the day after Christmas until New Years-ish. Also very stoked for that. Gonna be fun times. After the fam, the homies start rolling in for visits. We might as well deem our apartment a hostel for the next few months. It's gonna be sickkk and it'll be great to see everybody.
P.s.- Waist deep powder at Vail the other day. Early season powder = sign of a good season to come.
great post kid. You are doing pretty much what most would like to experience. Think outside the box, enjoy the journey and leave your mark. No regrets. Trust me, they aren't fun to deal with later in life.